Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Understanding The Chinese Culture

Culture according to Edward Taylor (1976) is “A complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, law, custom, morals and any other capacities and habits acquired by man as member of society”. Taylor makes distinction of subculture which refers to people who have migrated from their place of origin to other places but still upholds their original identity, while universal culture dwells on learned behavior and patterns irrespective of cultural origin and these may include application of leadership rules and concept of privacy, use of gender and age amongst others. This article underlines the predicament of the Chinese culture and how it has pushed the country to occupy its present ranking in the world.
The Eastern Asian country China stands tall among its neighbors from the North, South, West, and East with very fascinating human and natural factors which originate from the country’s ancient civilization that has had the good, the bad, and ugly moments which all culminates to a remarkable China on the lips and bounds of every dick and tom. The uniqueness of the Chinese culture has stood the test of time as an indivisible factor and backbone to their outstanding growth and development. The mighty China has moved from one innovation to another keeping intact its history, originality and cultural heritage.
To the best of my understanding the ever expanding, innovative and creative ideas of the Chinese people lies in their culture that has made the country to blossom and attain international recognition best described as a “paradox of positivity”. The Chinese culture of “Can do mentality” which is common among Asian countries has widen the country’s horizon making it a connecting belt of entertainment in Asia. China’s entertainment facilities are a combination of traditional and modern structures that gives a vivid memory of the cultural heritage of this dynamic country. Traditional display and music during performances portrays some unique cultural outfits that gives an impression to visitors that they are in a country that welcomes everyone with no distinction of color, race, culture, ethnic group or identity. Present day entertainment in China has taken a new dimension where cultural and modern entertainment facilities exist as common identities and visitors are kept spell bound as they watch with satisfaction and anxiety. Spreading from one city to another, open door and indoor entertainment spots have imposing and protruding cultural structures that even the blind can feel their warmth and glamour.A combination of architectural know-how and expertis in the construction of  entertainment facilities gives visitors a refreshing feeling where the mind and soul can be at peace.
The Chinese culture is held in high esteem reason why many ancient sites have been short listed on the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites. Such sites include the Imperial palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing, the historic seat of the Dalai Lama, the Ancient villages in Southern Anhui, the Ancient city of Pingyao and many others. Some of these sites are located on the flanks of mountains and valleys that harbor some natural vegetation with its undulating steepness and spectacular geographic features. These sites are a symbol of natural beauty with a mixture of ancient and modern structures. A glance of these cultural heritage gives a vivid picture of the unity and success of the Chinese people who have worked so hard to preserve their culture in a world where globalization seem to be dismantling all cultural barriers. Tourist who visit cultural sites are spell bound with the unique traditional dresses and colorful regalia put on by very flexible men and women who swing from one end to another with very captivating smiles and gestures that gives visitors the feeling of belonging. Their cultural outfit carries attractive, captivating, tantalizing and gorgeous colors which symbolizes unity in diversity.
The Chinese are proud of their cultural identity which gives strength to the people. This cultural bond has strengthen China’s economic identity as one of the most creative and innovative economies in the world. The Chinese people through the “Can do mentality” have fought hard to occupy the position of the second largest economy in the world as they engage in major manufacturing and infrastructural development around the world. China has penetrated to almost all continents of the globe because they feel they can do what other world powers have been doing and even do it much better.
China’s cultural pattern has attracted and is still attracting multinational companies around the world to invest in China despite the almost saturated market. Branded as a communist country where freedom of speech is prohibited and there is gross human rights violation, the people’s conviction of overcoming all obstacles has made some world giants not to be too critical about the present modus operandi but to fine-tune better ways of recognizing the people and their culture and what they stand for as a nation.
China through its culture of “Forward ever and backward never” has become a great friend of the world especially developing countries. China has cut across mainstream development initiatives with fabulous loan and aid packages that have attracted limping nations to embrace them without any reservation. China through this policy which some scholars call “Development without borders” is helping to change the lives of people who have qualified China as a friend indeed. In areas some donor countries designate as “no go zones” China has put in working machineries that dismantle stumbling blocks of any kind. Chinese merchants have successfully invested in regions around the world where very few businessmen will venture to take such a risk.
China's success is gradually reversing the way people do business around the world. Multinational companies or individual business magnets no longer search for specific business hubs but create opportunities from the unimaginable. What may be termed as the Chinese miracle drew very little attention from the beginning but the people’s believe in their culture of "No surrender"  is pushing them to get to the summit of their ambitions.

Conclusively, China has demonstrated to the rest of the world that countries can create opportunities even if they are at the bottom position but have ambitions to get to higher heights with the sky as their only limit. China is often accused of copying or pirating from others but this has never stopped their ambition of being a great nation. I have the conviction that the Chinese culture gave a blue print to their ever expanding development initiative both at home and abroad pushing surrounding nations to also expand their development vision. No country in the world has a perfect record or modus operandi as such criticisms on China to an extent should not be exaggerated because they merit where they are in terms of hard work, creativity, and innovation.



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